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Hopped Off the Plane at LIN with A Dream & A LOT of Luggage

It's all fun and games until you realize jet lag is a #realthing. If Italy weren't so gorgeous I probably would have cried every single day until right now. Just tears of exhaustion though- no biggie. Today marks day 5 of arrival and it is the first day I actually feel like I am on schedule with Italian sleeping and eating times. --- Butttttt I'm in freaking Italy!! So being tired does not matter at all you push through the pain.

Upon arrival myself and my amazing travel partner Maddy quickly realized a drink was essential. The prosecco and moscato we got were truly the best thing I have ever tasted, but we already knew Italy would have good wine!

The next day was much more eventful. Maddy and I are expert explorers so we decided to just walk around without a specific destination in mind (something I would highly recommend) and it served us a grand day. We ~accidentally~ found ourselves at the Duomo, or Milan Cathedral, which was truly breathtaking and only a 10 minute walk from our apartment! #score! Of course we entered some shops along the way and yes, mom, I know what you're thinking- "one day in and you had to buy something"- and you are exactly right. I got this gorgeous furry vest which will be worn very soon. We only had one #ohno to record from this day... I may or may not have broken a plate in one of the stores we went to. Which is a shame because it was a really cute store and now I'm afraid to show my face in it again..

The next two days I had orientation for school (sometimes I forget I am here for that reason) which went well but I was still tired all day long. The school buildings here are very beautiful and walking around school was like walking through the city- which was something I loved but am definitely not used to!

Friday was a grocery shopping day, and a organize the apartment day. We had a lot of stuff we still had to unpack and get settled so this was when we finally did this. But I would say the grocery store in itself was a major adventure. Things like milk were so difficult to pick out considering I have ZERO clue what the label says.. but it was an overall success. Besides the fact that we bought a frozen pizza only to discover we had no oven.

After the grocery espicade we decided that it was time to test out the night life. We went to a bar close by and with a few attempts ordered a cocktail- Moscow Mule - always a safe choice. IT WAS SO GOOD.

The next day was Saturday and we had planned on going to a market in the Navigli district of Milan, but we had a tough time finding it so we just went around shops instead! This time I did not buy anything because #ballingonabudget.

So this was me slowly easing into my first few days in Milan- more excitement to follow! And some more anecdotes on my Tips page!

~Stay Tuned~

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